Monday, April 21, 2008

War stories

The soldiers who are in the National Guard team nick named "The Bad Voodoos"are specifically the soldiers I'm speaking of. A Sgt. Jean-Paul is a member of the bad voodoos and he has set up his own blog called "National Guard Experience"in where he lets journalists that can't go to Iraq and witness the action in person,it lets them know what is going on across seas in the war.

The leader of The Bad Voodoos Sgt. 1st class Toby "voodoo"Nunn got the nickname when he was shipped over seas to Balkans. There a Muslim and a christian were arguing and wanted to know which religion he thought was better and he told them neither of those concerned him and that he was voodoo.After Balkan he was shipped again to Korea then to Iraq for Operating Iraqi Freedom there his platoon was called "The bad voodoos". These are the soldiers that fight and risk their lives in this war and I thank them for their courage and strength.And i hope their families keep them in their prayers because thats all anyone can do now.


Anonymous said...

I was really hoping that you would link to the National Guard blog you mention here. Your title seemed to imply that your were going to write about some specific war stories related to the National Guard and you do not. I felt disappointed at the end of this post because it was a little misleading.

jean jacques said...

la paix regnera sur terre le jour ou toutes les religions et toutes les races se seront melangé. C'est avec le mélange de couleurs que l'on fait les plus belle réusite. JJM