Friday, April 11, 2008

Our soldiers in Iraq are being assigned to missions that are putting them in more danger than need be. Members of our National Guard have been assigned to convoy escort missions through Iraq. These soldiers and the convoys they protect have become number one targets for the terrorists in Iraq. Our soldiers are dying while transporting these materials that are not of military purpose. The attacks on the convoys are not the only thing that is hurting these soldiers, the traveling its self is exausting them. The soldiers have to stay awake all night to get to their destination and sometimes there are no chances to stop to use the restroom or just to get out of the military vehicle. Just little things we never think could effect people can build up stress and drain energy from you.

The danger our soldiers are in is no joke the terrorist who are bombing these convoys can even be Iraqi patrols because some of these bombings happen so close to the patrols checkpoints they were the only ones around. We went into this war to "protect" America but now we are losing more Americans in this war than we lost in 911. And in all reality that is why we went to war with Iraq is for revenge of the killing of thousands of people in the twin towers attack.The people in the middle east have been fighting each other for thousands of years and now we're in on the fighting and we're dying for what? Our soldiers kill a few here and there but more often our men are the ones dying.At this point we're so deep in that it's hard to know what to do next. If we stay our soldiers will continue to die in Iraq.But if we bring our troops out they might bring the war to the states. Their government really doesn't have control of their people most Iraqi troops are just citizens not personnel of their military.And if they bring the war here even more Innocent people will die.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you that the war is hurting our troops and really has no point except for retaliation. we are loosing too many people to this war. One thing I don't agree with is the amount of our soldiers dying. I think it's the other way around, they get some of us but they are dying more often.

Jamie said...

I think the war in Iraq has become a waste of our money and time, but more importantly it is a waste because we are loosing our troops. " all reality that is why we went to war with Iraq is for revenge of the killing of thousands of people in the twin towers attack." We started fighting back because of 911, but now we look more and more like the terrorists ourselves.

Jason said...

I have to agree with you. I think this war is out of hand. I have my opinion on why we are there, were probably there for war rather then trying to fix that place. Its ridiculous. The government who supports this is just murdering there own people. I didn't know we were losing more people then the 9-1-1 terrorist act. Great post of exposing this

Anonymous said...

You have interesting insight into the function and role of the National Guard in this war, but no where have you linked to credible sources to back your statements up. No where do you mention exact statistics of lives lost. Yes, you should express your opinion in your blog, but you will be taken more seriously if you show you are well read and have credible sources backing you up. Would like to see you go back into this post and hyperlink to your sources. Then it becomes much more powerful.